What do you do when it seems every thing you trusted collapses?
How do you prepare for a sudden change of life? How do you recover
when life hits you on the blind side? After you have spent a life of hard
work and commitment to a chosen career. How do you suddenly change
your skill set? When your life long dreams and investment fail and
and it is not your fault, what do you do? What do you say to your family
when you face the reality that you may not be able to fulfill those expectations
of security, support, and provisions.
Where do you go when you want to work but there are no jobs that
fit your skill set. Your sense of pride for personal accomplishment
is dashed into the fire of survival. How do you deal with a pink slip
from a company you have help build over years of time.?
Each one of us will face some kind of crisis. Each one of us will face some
kind of crisis or situation over which we have no control, which came to
us unexpectedly, the unexpected death of a spouse, child, or your business.
These all can be classified as crisis.
Living on this earth requires us to expect the unexpected and to prepare
for the unforeseen. But many of us do not possess the necessary
resources such as emotional, psychological, and spiritual tools to
successfully and efficiently deal with this season of turmoil that has come
our way.
If this is you, would you pleases give me few more moments of your
time? Yes, our world and yes our nation is in a crisis and it has become
a Global Crisis. The Earth as we knew it has changed dramatically, the
movement of people, international trade and commerce, cultural
interaction, and political upheave. Our world, and certainly our nation
has entered into one of the most critical crises of our generation.
We as a nation are vulnerable and very fragile. We as a nation of people
will believe almost anything without checking into the values of our
As the nation, and worlds health care, economies, political and spiritual
upheaval implodes, then fear sets in and people lose confidence
in a system, they then stop participating in it. This leaves the door
wide open for Controlling and Harmful situations to take over. IN EVERY
GONE. Many human lives are lost in the wake of it. The VALUE of human life
is diminished with the ever increasing control over it’s people.
When the experts don’t know what to do, then it is time to get connected to
someone one who is smarter than all the experts put together. When you need to
overcome a crisis, it is time to look to the Overcomer.
This is what Christmas is all about. The King has come in the form of a human baby.
This Jesus grew and died for all of Human Life. Jesus has set up a Spiritual Kingdom.
We must understand that the Kingdom of God is NEVER in crisis. Think on that fact.
Let that fact sink in. The Kingdom of God is never in crisis mode because the King of
Kings is bigger than any crisis that has happened or ever will happen or is happening
right now.
Yes, He knows what to do about every crisis, but He cares about people, both individually
and corporately. He loves people and has never failed His people, The important thing
is to make sure you are one of His people. Nobody is exempt from crisis, including
Christians. You will have crisis. Jesus said, “….In this world you will have trouble. But
I have overcome the world.” Will you let Him convert your crisis into a opportunity
for Redemption, Forgiveness, Grace and Growth.
Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Vyrl Pember